| | October 20174CIOReviewOffice Editorial queries editor@cioreviewindia.comAdvertising queriessales@cioreviewindia.comBangaloreTel 080 46441103NoidaTel 120 4639300 To subscribeVisit www.cioreviewindia.com/magazine-in or send email to: subscription@cioreviewindia.comCover price is Rs 150 per issueAshok KumarVirupakshi PattarSales & MarketingAmrit SinghRohit RaghubanshiIndranil ChakrabortyRavi KalgiCIOReviewGroup Art DirectorVP - Sales & MarketingMagendran PerumalCirculation ManagerEditorial TeamChitra MishraSuchita Gonsalves Vinisha PaivaArchee RoyAnitha TLakshmi GCIOReview No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugheshpalya, Bangalore-560017MaitreyeeCIOReviewVOL 5 · ISSUE 10-5 · OCTOBER 07 - 2017Siva Shankar Mohana KrishnanSr. VisualizerVisualizersPrinted and published by Alok Chaturvedi on Behalf of Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published at No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017.Copyright © 2017 Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Re-production in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.EditorialEditorialI'm willing to go into a debate on this, but technology and personalized legal service can co-exist. That's because law firm clients are becoming more and more tech savvy as technology infiltrates our everyday lives in multiple ways. Law firms can leverage new and existing technology to connect with clients in a highly personalized way, stay abreast of the changing regulatory landscape, network with other lawyers, and instantly update legal forms and documents. The power of technology has actually helped transform the role of lawyer into a fully trusted and respected adviser and legal partner, not just a legal document paper-pusher. AI is so deep routed in every industry- known and emerging. It will be sheer ignorance if we think legal is deprived of tits wonders. In fact, contract management ­ including signature process ­ can be managed as part of the same tools that create the contracts, meaning an automated process from start to signature to storage. Additionally, there are operations tools that can provide you with reports and dashboards showing what type of work is coming into legal, who is working on it, how long it is taking, and what is the risk profile of that work. It also can assign the work to the right lawyers (in-house or outside) and provide case management tools. Being brutally honest, the inevitable change with regards to legal technology is rather slow paced as compared to the other industries. But sooner or later, all in good time, it will be there. As part of this edition of CIOReview India, we applaud for those change bringers who are making sure the change moves in the forward direction and takes the legal industry to a more convenient and tech-enabled spot. Recognizing them amongst the top 10 most promising legal technology solutions providers, I personally feel they are every bit capable, but need to buckle up, as the Bitcoin tsunami is about to hit anytime now. How? Go figure inside.And do let us know what you think. Emmanuel Christi DasAsst. Managing Editoremmanuel@cioreviewindia.com.Legal Services, Say Hello to Automation. PublisherEditorAsst. Managing EditorAlok ChaturvediSudhakar SinghEmmanuel Christi Das | |February 20175CIOReviewCombining Offline andOnline Channels
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